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The APV ESG Exam

The APV ESG Exam is intended for experts in the investment services industry who want to maintain and expand their expertise in the field of sustainable finance. The training is also useful for others who need more in-depth information about sustainable investing.

After completing the APV ESG Exam, you will be able to understand the key perspectives of sustainable finance, ESG and their importance in investment activities. However, it is good to understand that the field is developing rapidly, and the regulatory demands increase constantly. Continuous monitoring of the industry is a prerequisite for the successful provision of sustainable investment services for both institutions and private investors.

The exam can be taken in Finnish or Swedish. In the Swedish-language exam, you can also see the questions and answer options in Finnish.

Structure and Content

An exam right can be purchased from the Aalto EE online store. The price of an exam is 110 EUR (+VAT). Next exam days are 22.8.2024, 5.9.2024, 26.9.2024, 24.10.2024, 7.11.2024, 21.11.2024 and 12.12.2024.

The APV ESG Exam consists of the following areas:

  • The basic concepts of ESG, key indicators and reporting frameworks (e.g. SDG, GRI, TCFD)
  • Investment approaches and goals
  • The regulatory requirements for sustainable finance: what and when to inform the investor, how a portfolio manager takes ESG reporting into account in his own operations and how to report to the client.
  • Market growth, most typical products and investment practices.

The APV ESG exam has 20 multiple-choice questions. There are two to four (2-4) answer options. The exam time is 50 minutes. All questions must be answered, but only correct answers will be counted. 60% correct answers are required to pass the exam.

Study Material

Study material is sent after purchasing the exam right. It focuses on the most common asset classes, i.e. stocks, funds, real estate and bonds. Loans are also referenced in the material. However, the main focus is on the sustainability aspect of all asset classes, which is assessed by measuring ESG factors. The material also describes the most common strategies for sustainable investing, i.e. ways to implement sustainable investing.